Bowen Therapy
Gentle and Effective: Every body is better with Bowen
The Bowen Technique was developed in Australia by the late Mr. Tom Bowen. It is a unique form of neuromuscular re-patterning. It works primarily through the nervous system on both structural and energetic levels. The technique is gentle and noninvasive, and can be performed through clothing.
The Bowen Therapy Difference
The Bowen Technique is a completely new concept in bodywork. It is neither derived from nor similar to any other physical modality:
- Misalignments commonly right themselves — yet there is no manipulation of joints or bones as in chiropractic.
- Muscle tensions and strains are relieved and normal lymphatic flow is restored — yet muscles are not squeezed as in massage.
- Fascia rehydrates, adhesions release and scar tissue softens — yet the work is not based on meridians, and does not resemble acupuncture or acupressure.
- Internal psychological shifts are common — yet it is not necessary to evoke emotional response as in mind-body therapies.
- Nearly everyone reports a pleasant, relaxed state, and a deep sense of well being and ease.
Safe and Non-invasive
Bowen Therapy is completely safe and appropriate for everyone from the highly trained athlete to newborns, pregnant women, elderly and the chronically ill. Bowen has been successful in treating musculoskeletal problems such as back and neck pain, scoliosis, sporting injuries, TMJ alignment, and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also renowned for its effectiveness with internal conditions such as migraines, digestive and elimination complaints, colic in babies, and respiratory problems, including asthma.
What can Bowen Therapy be used for?
Bowtech can be beneficial for a wide range of conditions. It can assist recovery from many conditions, from traumatic injury to chronic illness, depending upon each individual’s capacity to heal.
Many clients report that Bowtech is THE most relaxing modality they have ever experienced.
Some of the conditions that often respond favorably to Bowenwork are:
- Back pain and sciatica
- Digestive and bowel problems
- Earache and TMJ problems
- Migraines and other types of headaches
- Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Hip, knee, ankle and foot problems
- Menstrual and hormonal Irregularities
- Neck and shoulder problems (including ‘frozen shoulder’)
- Groin pain, pelvic tilt and uneven leg length
- Respiratory problems and hay fever
- RSI, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow
- Sports and other traumatic injuries
A Bowen Therapy Session
A Bowen treatment consists of gentle, rolling movements. These stimulations activate a systematic response so powerful that a few minutes pause is observed to allow them to be integrated. A pattern of movements and pauses continues throughout the treatment. The rhythm is soothing, and most patients fall asleep at least once during the session. Benefits are usually apparent within two sessions, even when long-standing conditions are being treated. Bowen results are lasting and profound.
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